The summer between my junior and senior year of high school,
Chicken Little was out in
theatres. My four-year-old cousin
Kathryn came to spend the week with me as her mother was at a conference in
Dallas, Texas. Kathryn had mentioned
wanting to see Chicken Little and so
one day during that week we took her. I
sat right beside her and was amazed by how entranced she was at being in a
movie theatre. I had never been to a
movie with a toddler and to watch her giggle and laugh at all the silly things
in the movie made my heart so happy!
When I saw this story on the reading list for traditional literature, I
knew immediately I wanted to read it.

As a piece of traditional literature, Chicken Little is considered to be a fable.
In a fable, the story incorporates very simple characters that are
usually animals where a lesson is taught or a universal truth is revealed. A fable can be one of those “…and the moral
of the story is…” One feature of Chicken Little being of traditional
literature is the action throughout
the story. As a reader turns each page,
a new comrade of Chicken Little has been added to his group as he tries to
outrun the falling sky. The action in
traditional literature is typically very concentrated and fast-paced.
After reading Rebecca Emberley’s Chicken Little, two activities came to mind. One would be to teach elementary students the
features of fables. Teachers could use Chicken Little, in addition to a variety
of other fables, to teach the elements of fables such as plot, action,
characters, etc. The illustrations are
very bold and the story would lend well to a read aloud. The other activity would be geared toward middle
school students. Teachers could read the
fable and then watch the movie. After having
completed both, students could learn how to compare and contrast a book and
movie or perhaps be taught how to write a movie review.
Big questions to ask students after reading Chicken Little: Why does Chicken Little
believe that “the sky is falling?” What
actions make him believe this? What are
the similarities between Chicken Little and his friends? What do you believe Foxy Loxy’s intention was
when he first saw Chicken Little and his friends? What is the moral of the story?